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Bujari Gamarruwa!

Welcome to the BulBuiwl Project!

錨點 1

Designers' Words

Dien Zhang, Memorial Group

“I have learned a lot and gained many inspirations during the process, both from the touching history and amazing culture of first nation people."

Featured Projects

The Home Dome


The Scope of this project has the possibility of ranging from intimate gatherings to a nationally acknowledged and commemorated event. A memorial project aims to connect with a large range of people.

Chimes Sculputure

Using string art to create the top part of the chimes. Hollow out the shapes of aboriginal countries in NSW, high light them by using shadows on the ground from the sun shining through the string art.


Podcast: Dear Anuty Sylvia

In this episode, Sylvia Morris, a stolen generation survivor, opens up about here loss, trauma and finding her feet again.

Dear Aunty Sylvia_Ep1_mixdownEpisode 1
00:00 / 21:34

Stolen Generation Voices

This shows the possible angles and shots for the filming. Actual storyboard for the short film or animationwill be adapted based on the interview with Sylvia’s Family.


Everywhen Gallery

The Past - is the birthplace of their stories, in terms of the Stolen generations
The present - is where their voice is heard, and provide an opportunity of acknowledgment and reflection
The future - Knowledge from stories of the past and present can be used to improve the future
The past, present and future are all eternal and interconnected through nature and the land Everywhen

Animation: Looking into the stories

This animatics have been created to relay moments from the "Takeback: Stolen Generations Voices". Interviewed that impacted us with their stories.

屏幕截图 2022-08-18 040439.jpg

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